God is the fabric of this life, the threads that keep it all together. It is the essence of each one of us, even when we are oblivious or closed to that idea. It is the love that binds us all together, on all levels. It is the deep love that is seldom experienced as fully as possible, yet we all get glimpses of it. It is the sun rays coming through the clouds and everything that is beautiful. It is the ability to see beauty. It is the awareness that there is always a silver lining. It is the challenges and obstacles that make us grow. It is the sense of safety in the middle of turbulent times. It is a sense of calm and order in the middle of chaos; it is chaos itself, as a challenge to accept and overcome. It is glimpses into all that could be, the endless and beautiful possibilities; the choices we have been given the ability to make, to make our life meaningful. It’s the yearning for purpose and fulfillment of that purpose. It is simple pleasures and big feelings. It is sadness, for it can exist only in light of happiness. It is wisdom to live life authentically and courageously, to love unwaveringly. It is equanimity, the acceptance of what is, and living fully in the now. It is reminding ourselves that we are safe, and that our inner essence is everlasting. It is the certainty of change in this life, and assurance of changelessness in the subtle realm. It is all that is, the way it is, because it is, for the purpose we may or may not one day see clearly. It is the ultimate balance of opposites and the healing that takes place when that balance is achieved. It is the people that lift us up, and the people who need us to lift them up. It is the intricate web of interconnectedness. The everlasting energy and a deep sense within us, that there is something greater than us, holding us up, whether we are open to the subtle realm of our existence, or resistant to it. It is the eye of the storm; the starting point, pathway, and destination of our individual trajectories, all at once. It is our common thread. Changeless, timeless, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent and formless well of hope, giver of purpose, and a source of awe.
What Is God to Me?
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