The amount of grasping and clinging in one’s life is directly proportional to the amount of one’s suffering. The more we cling to ideas, things and people, the more heaviness we start to feel in our hearts. It is because we cannot directly control anything outside of ourselves. When things happen that bring us discomfort, we begin to feel powerless, overcome by that sinking feeling. And the more we grasp as if to save ourselves from drowning, the more slippery the surface becomes. But when we experience the beauty of ideas changing form, and start to think of things as simply shifting scenery, and when we realize that we are all connected on a spiritual level and can tune to one another irrespective of space and time, then we notice that there is no need to cling. And suddenly, there is this expansive feeling of freedom, and lightness, and ease… So love without conditions, act without force, and gently release everything that doesn’t serve you – limiting beliefs, dark thoughts, things you no longer need, and people who have moved on …and know that it is all good. You are strong, you are worthy, and you are enough just as you are. You are a gift to all who have stumbled on your path. Miracles are all around you. Open your eyes – notice; open your heart – forgive; and open your arms – release …so you can begin to receive once again.
Let Go
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