At the Edge of Something Wonderful

The feeling of aliveness
doesn’t come from merely existing,
but from moving through days
always just at the edge of your
comfort zone —
that space where you can almost taste 
your resolve;
where the expanse of pure potential 
unveils and draws you in;
and you feel like it’s the first time
your eyes are truly open.
But you still resist,
subconsciously enslaved to fear,
until you realize
that no one holds you captive
but your own limiting beliefs.
So you dip your toes in that great expanse,
ever so cautiously,
and for a while titter-totter
between the pull of safety
and the pull of desire;
between comfort
and uncertainty;
between steadiness
and an urge to leap;
until the seed of courage deep within you 
and the voice of your being
echoes through silence:
And you listen.
Like surrendering to an embrace
of cool water,
you surrender to the essence of “now”
and shake off a chill before you feel 
a sense of deliverance.
And suddenly you realize
that future is just an unending succession 
of nows,
woven together by an endless interplay
of individual wills.
And then it dawns on you —
you are magnificently powerful!
It’s never been so clear —
Every choice affects outcome, 
every outcome leads to new choices.
And you finally notice life’s patterns,
and feel liberated from them,
because you are not a victim,
but an author
of your life story.
And you notice the relativity of time
as it shifts,
and morphs,
and dissolves,
and rebuilds
all that you had known to be true,
and your deepest longings manifest
masterfully recombined by the hand
of the universe.
It is through recognizing,
surrendering to,
and celebrating the magnificence 
of co-creation
that aliveness can be felt.
It begs for your attention
and promises a life well lived.

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Tina Boljevac Written by:

Living, loving and flowing in and out of moments...