Sleepiness awakens my senses to the possibility of you gracing my days, tenderly, like a sweet child with a lovely smile, longing to connect. Oh, what a feeling! Cautiously courageous, we move in sync, and slow dance in the moonlight among wildflowers on rooftops. We reach for our shadows, then leap, free falling into possibilities. I'm dizzy from the way colors spin around you while you hold still, anchored to my heart. I want to run to the end of the world and back again, and wrap myself tightly in the melody of your laughter, while it wiggles and wriggles as love seeps through my fingers into your soul. You open yourself up and I fall right in. This is only a daydream late in the night while this heavy air sticks to my window and I can barely keep my eyes open. Images begin to blur into obscurity and words no longer make sense and I let myself fall into the depth of your essence. Dreams are only a moment away. 2011
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