In a sea of people, in a world of noise, it’s your eyes that I find effortlessly. I exit the contours of my body and find myself weightless and shapeless, moving through you softly. Can you feel me? I make a circle around your aura and settle on the tip of your nose. Your presence is a quiet haven, even when my mind is howling. I tune into your frequencies to absorb the calm. I can sense turbulence under the cloak of tenderness, and it paints the experience in mossy green. But I don’t mind. Amber hues peek through contradictions. Or maybe complexities is a better word for this push and pull of desire and restraint. I pause - and wonder if there is a way to encapsulate an experience, in words or otherwise, without evoking captivity. Or are open skies the only acceptable ceiling to an already indescribable state of ephemeral alignment? Maybe there are no colors or words or tangible ways to remember this moment in time, and it’s meant to be as transient as this cottonwood puff that just landed on my chest. And maybe, like a line drawing, our lives are open ended stories even when the endings seem predictable. So I take a pen and create another swirl to stay here for a little longer, searching for your eyes in a sea of people and the world of noise until the buzzing stops, and quicksand slows, and I fall asleep within a dream.
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