
When we feel lost between worlds, cultures, waking and dreams… When we feel like we can’t come up for air and our house is just a building that protects us from the elements, we can close our eyes and remember that there is home within us.

Having lived far away from home for more than half of my life, I learned that home is a state of mind – a portal to unconditional love that we all carry with us wherever we go. Underneath all the chaos and mind-chatter, there is calmness. A space with no turbulence; a space of complete acceptance and unconditional regard. A space where the heart is open because there is absence of fear; a space where the mind is open because there is abundance of wonder. Home. All we need to do is close our eyes and wait long enough for our breathing to slow down, for the heart to stop racing, and for the noise to soften, then gently lead our thoughts toward a vision of complete safety. Once we are there, we have arrived. Home. It’s never more than a few moments away.

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Tina Boljevac Written by:

Living, loving and flowing in and out of moments...