In a well-meaning attempt to provide closure to the other person in the process of…
Category: Musings
As adults, we need to balance our desire to show up however we want – childishly believing we should because, after all, we are free to feel whatever we want – with a desire to bring peace and harmony into all relationships, and especially to those with people closest to us. It is about the quest to find the perfect balance between non-violence and truthfulness, that sweet spot where we can remain fully authentic while also being kind towards oneself and others. And while we don’t want to stoop down and act childish, we would be well-served by being more childlike in all the ways that bring joy to our lives, allowing ourselves to feel awe and wonder, to receive and extend warmth to people around us, and to remain intuitively aware of all the capabilities within and possibilities outside of us.
Accepting holds a sense of gratitude and leaves room for inspiration and motivation to move forward with purpose and intention. Settling evokes a sense of resignation, and ultimately sadness, if not resentment, extinguishing the spark to move forward with joy. Can you recognize that, like anything in life, things are only forever, for now? Love is an experience of eternity if you accept that in its boundlessness it is an eternal shape shifter.